Aaron Matthias and Friends
Music, Art, Ideas
Aaron Matthias and Friends
Music, Art, Ideas
Featured Music
Featured Art
I love music, and now I want to hear yours. What have you written that is an expression of your unique self? What pain have your poured out through lyrics? What joy have you enjoyed through your creation? What message do you want to get out there? Are you a hard rocker? Great! Are you and acoustic songwriter? Great! It matters not what genre we are labeled with but what gives life to our souls. And who know, what gives your soul life might give others life as well. This is a platform where we can come together and celebrate each other and our stories. If you would like to present any song or album on this site email me at aaronmatthias@hotmail.com with your material or with a link to your material or contact me through this site. Thank you.
Hi Friends! We have our second band to showcase. They are called "Global Warning" and they are out of Everett, Wa. They definitely have a hard rock or metal vibe. They have two new singles that are now for sale, one entitled "Apocalyptic"and any another entitled "Broken Dreams." They have a website where the give snippets of these two songs. Also on their website is news about the band, equipment they use, video's of the band (someone playing guitar, singing, and some of the band playing), a fan zone which includes some of their radio charts info, a store, band contact info and more. After they responded to my add, I reached out to them with some questions about their music and about their music this is what they said,
"We write music because this is what we're called to do. The message We convey in our music is positive/clean - There are enough hard rock heavy metal bands out there dropping F bombs with the lyrics that are basically vulgar so we try to take the opposite approach. Our subject matter can vary between every day life experiences as well as where does his life lead to in the end?"
Here's a link to their website, check them out!
Ok friends, we have our first musician to showcase. His name is Jack Maddex and he is the singer and a guitarist in his band, Maddex. They've played shows in the area and if they have upcoming concerts at any point I can let you know. Jack also wrote something up for me, which I will display here and then a link to the lyric video of one of his songs. In his own words, here Jack:
Hello my name is Jack Maddex and I am a singer-songwriter who believes in God and is actively seeking him every day. My ministry group plays worship and Christian rock songs and our mission is to see lives changed and people saved. The songs I write are about God and about the real life day-to-day struggles that we all face, and about walking through life in our walk with God. Everybody is loved and everyone has a voice that is meant to be heard; don’t ever believe that your life does not matter because it does and you have a purpose. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise; your life is precious and you are here for a reason. The lie of this world is that you’re not good enough but the word of God says you have nothing to fear. We are a group that believes in everyone and our songs are meant to encourage you but also to let you know we know the struggles in life, but we also know you have a voice and we can all sing it out together. God bless.
And about his song "One Life", Jack says:
One life is a song about knowing you have one life to live on this earth and with the time you have to try and live your life the best that you can and not to take for granted the little things that matter most and to always be present and to take the time to learn and see what your calling is and what your dreams are.
Here's the song:
I can't really draw very well, and I haven't done much art. But I appreciate good art, and others are skilled at doing it. Maybe your a landscape artist and are energized about trying re-create the beauty in front of you. Maybe you make dark art as a satire on systems you don't agree with. Maybe your unique expression and the story you try and tell is best captured on canvas with paint. Or digitally with photoshop. Whatever the case, your unique expression may touch others as well. Whether your an established artist, a photographer, or just getting started in art, please feel free to email me your material or a link to your material at aaronmatthias@hotmail.com or contact me through this site.
Alright friends, we have our second artist to showcase. His name is Chris, and he is a artist, musician, and audio/video producer from near Spokane, Wa. He sent me a music/art project he did which can be seen at: https://youtu.be/N4zH7blo-zQ
Also, some of his artwork can be seen at: https://outsidein.org.uk/galleries/christoph-christophel/
Here's a piece of art he did:
I asked Chris a little about what he does what he does and this what he responded:
"I am uncomfortable with me 'the 'artist" being the center of attention. While I believe everyone wants to be successful and recognized for there work, I can only hope that my work will be appealing to a few people and that my Art will speak for it's self, while I try to fly under the radar. I create art in order to bring into physical existence the thoughts and visions in my mind. I have no specific goals to achieve, for better or worse I create because I have too."
For me, there are a couple take aways from his comments that are pretty cool. One, not wanting to be the center of attention and hoping that his art will be appealing to a few people, could be seen as doing art for a passion, or for enrichment vs. trying to gain the attention of other people. Also, the idea of the art speaking for itself could point to the craft mattering, and that it doesn't need to point back to us in order for it to matter or be good. Sometimes maybe we just got to put it out there because it's something we created! Also, his comment about just creating because he has too, maybe this is him doing something because it's good for him, that his bringing into physical existence the thoughts and visions in his mind is possibly therapeutic or good for him. Maybe this is at the core of good art, that it arises from a place in us that is real and honest. Thanks Chris!
Ok friends, we have our first artist to showcase. Matthew responded to an add I put out. He just moved back to Seattle after spending a year in Maui. He has found art to be a great way to self express. Matthew says he's always been an artist but never knew how to express it. While he was in Maui, they did art in a public space and people would gravitate towards them and kids would come over. This helped other people to express themselves. It ended up being something that helped out the community as a whole. For Matthew, art is something that helps unleash his imagination. For him, it's a great way to bring "out" what's "in". When he is inspiring others, he is firing on all cylinders. He would like to start an art group and welcomes people contacting him. He can be reached at 360-348-7011. Here is the art he shared with me: