Aaron Matthias and Friends
Music, Art, Ideas
About this site
This website is intended to bring life. I hope to share both my music and the music of others. I hope to showcase art and ideas that either I or someone else has written. I want this site to be a refuge. I want to share a place where we can freely express, feely ask and wrestle with the big and pressing issues of life, where we can share our unique expression on life and what gives us life and ultimately where we can be a community. There is no prerequisite to visiting, sharing, liking or sharing on this site. I ask you to consider, what gives you life? What provides purpose and meaning to your existence? What do you think we should all know? How can we better understand you or any people group you may be a part of? There may be songs, art, articles on this site that contradict each other or that differ in opinion. That's ok. Strength is found not in conformity, but in diversity. Whether you're an expert on some topic, or some honest soul searching for meaning and clarity, I invite you to partake in this site. I hope to showcase peoples' music, art and ideas and maybe share some of my own too. I ask that we keep open minds to others experiences and ideas and that we ultimately show each other love. Let this be a joining ground, not a battle field. So to that end, express. If there is something you would like to share, please email me at aaronmatthias@hotmail.com.