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For me, there are ideas that help me and serve as reference points in my life.  There are teachers that influence the way I think, books that provide me with new perspectives on things and people I have seen for guidance.  I have a goal of always having a posture of learning.  I don't believe that any of us can "arrive" in a certain area.  We need to be open to learning more.  We need to be open to wisdom.  What may be wisdom for me might differ than what may be wisdom for you.  But maybe collectively we can share all of the ideas that inspire us, that speak to us, that help guide us and maybe we can have a space that showcases many forms of wisdom.  I am a Christian and believe in a God that loves all of equally and is equally interested in all of our lives.  But I also believe that I can learn from someone who stands outside of the Christian community and speaks to my blindspots.  Maybe we can all share our beliefs and ideas and gain a greater understanding of each other, and a greater compassion towards each other.  Are your ideas best expressed through poetry?  Great!  Do you want to write an article?  Great!  Do you want to write a summary of ideas or thoughts that influence you or that you think the world needs today?  Awesome!  It's all fair game.  I just ask that we be respectful of each other.


I am including a link to my blog where I've written brief thoughts I've had.  Sometimes they are more in the form of poetry, and some of them are more organized thoughts.  Also on this blog I've posted music as I've been working on it.  The blog may serve as a function for me to look back at it and see what my thoughts have been over time and same with my music.  


If there are any thoughts, articles or anything you would like to share please email me at or contact me through this site.  Thanks!

​  (link to my blog)

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