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Aaron's Music

I love music.  I play guitar, write and record music, and listen to music.  I would love to  share my music with you, and I welcome your feedback.  Ultimately, I write music because it helps me enter into the creative flow.  I feel that I come to be with myself, others and reality in new, positive and wider ways through the practice of writing music.  I don't want music to ever be something I do because I feel I have to, or on deadlines or timelines, or for a system or dogma.  I want to do it because I want to do it.  I believe this is how it will have the greatest impact in my own life.  And I believe sharing it with others will also bring life to me too.  Music serves different purposes for me.  I've enjoyed jamming on the guitar and kind of creating in the moment.  I've enjoyed singing in my kitchen to try and improve my voice.  I've enjoyed writing and recording instrumentals.  As far as listening, sometimes I enjoy Jars of Clay, Jon Foreman or Switchfoot which I believe marries good music with spiritual ideas.  I've enjoyed Tool, Nirvana and Soundgarden for the raw expression of emotion and helping me to not hide from my anger.  I've enjoyed Radiohead, Incubus and Nine Inch Nails for their masterful composition of music and melodies.  


I believe that at the heart of a good life, and at the heart of good art is paradox.  We through ourselves into our art letting it touch our souls, but then we surrender it to the greater good.  In this way, art can take on new shapes and relevance.  I don't want to ever pretend to have arrived as an artist, musician, or what this could mean for me.  I want to be open to where spirit blows and to what may be new and relevant to me in my music.  I don't ever want to surrender to a specific genre, type of writing or way of expressing.  I want to be open to it growing deeper in me and touching more raw emotions and to be open to different lyrics for different seasons.  Ultimately, I want to hold it with open hands and let it be something that adds to my well being instead of trying to force it.


Also, on this website you will find a link to my blog where I've posted little thoughts I've had and music I've worked on over time.  I don't want to hide the older music I've done because it has been a part of my musical journey.  I don't love some of the older music but it's been a part of my story and one goal I have for this website is to be transparent about my journey.  We all have a starting place and I believe we don't need to be perfect or have a ton figured out before we start.  The hope is that we grow and change over time, and this may affect my craft over time too.  


Along with trying to share some of my own music, on this website I hope to showcase other peoples' music too.  People can email me their music or a link to their music and I can showcase it.  If there is a song or album you would like to share please email it to me or email me at  Thanks!


Here's all the music on Spotify:


Here's my latest album entitled, "Nondual".  Thanks!


Here's my latest Album entitled, "Expanding Circles", thanks!


Here's my latest album entitled, "All Riding the Same Sphere",


Here's my latest album entitled, "Out of the Shadows"



Here's my latest release entitled "Yes"


Here's a release entitled, "Solidarity."


Here's a release entitled, "Infinite Presence."


Here's a release entitled "Simple. Complex. Simple."


Here's a release entitled "Order. Disorder. Reorder. "


Here's a release, entitled "Dancing with Light." Release on 2/15/20.


1/19/18 I just released my first album!  Here the YouTube link to it:


6/11/18  I just released my second album, entitled "Tri."  Here's the YouTube link to it:


I released a 5 song EP entitled "Oneing".  Here's the YouTube link:


I just released a 5 song EP entitled "Third Way".  Here's the YouTube link:


7/10/19:  I just released an 8 song album entitled "Bridges".  Here's the YouTube link!




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